The question, are sea biscuits extinct, often arises among those intrigued by these unique marine creatures. The answer is no—sea biscuits are not extinct. In fact, they are still found in various parts of the world’s oceans, particularly in warm, shallow waters where they thrive. However, fossilized sea biscuits, which are millions of years old, represent species that may no longer exist, offering a glimpse into the ancient marine environments that preceded our current ecosystems. Understanding the distinction between living sea biscuits and their fossilized counterparts can enhance your appreciation of these remarkable creatures. While living sea biscuits contribute to the biodiversity of our oceans today, their fossils provide valuable insights into the evolutionary history of marine life. Whether you’re a collector of marine fossils or simply fascinated by ocean life, knowing that sea biscuits are still with us today adds depth to your understanding of the ocean’s enduring mysteries.